
Showing posts from September, 2022

My abortion article and the hypocrites in my DM

  You're allowed to be pro-life but can you stop hounding people to live their lives the way you want it? Respect second opinions, that's how to live. (Photo credit: Google) I always knew I’d get funny comments and reactions to my post of yesterday. I was away with the clan yesterday and didn’t have time to do justice to some messages I received and, despite having something else in mind to talk about today, I’ll respond to three messages in particular. Before I do, let me also make it clear that I got lots of support too. I am shocked at the number of people that agreed with me; I am sincerely not even looking for support, but it feels good to know that people are beginning to break away from archaic thinking, now let’s respond to those that still live in the dark ages. Someone sent me a message, calling me an embarrassment to Christianity for supporting abortion. I am not angry, to be honest, I didn’t respond to the person because she’s one of those big aunties that think

Abortion is healthcare, not a crime

  Abortion should never be categorized as a crime, it should be legal and safe abortion should be made available to everyone that chooses to opt for it. End the fucking stigma! (Photo credit: Google) 28 th September of every year is international safe abortion day and today, I feel a need to talk about the topic. I am never afraid to be controversial; in fact, I am surprised I’ve been on good behavior on this journey but, let’s have this conversation. Let me tell you a short story; there was this young girl that lived on Victoria Street – where I spent a good number of years. She was 17 at the time and had just left secondary school, she lived a few blocks away from me so, I know her a little bit and she comes to mind on a day like this. I was on my way back from work that fateful day; it was a Monday and I must have had a long day and wasn’t prepared to hang out on the street with men as we usually do on some evenings but, I saw a group of people bickering around the girl, she wa

My first ever Chinese restaurant experience

  I understand the concept of individual differences but kindly excuse me from your Chinese restaurant dates. Thank you and God bless. (Photo credit: Yin Yang) I have a very volatile tummy, I eat on average once a day, and those that know me know how toxic the relationship between me and food is but my first experience of Chinese food left me with a phobia that I have never been able to overcome. Precious and I were at Yin Yang on Friday, I made sure I clinically avoided eating anything because I wasn’t about to make my weekend a horrible one with a running stomach as I didn’t trust my tummy enough to handle whatever the Chinese restaurant had to offer. This first experience dates back to sometime in 2008. I attended a meeting with my uncle Hulk somewhere in Maryland and after he was done with the meeting, his host asked we stopped by a nearby restaurant; on that fateful day, their pick was a Chinese restaurant on Mobolaji Bank-Anthony. My uncle enjoys throwing shades, it runs in

Stay away from alcohol...

  We had lots of despe last night and loads of others but I'm advising you, stay away from alcohol. (Photo credit: Desperados Nigeria) I woke up at few minutes before 10am, how I dragged myself into the bathroom and into the car to get to work beats my comprehension but all I will tell you is this: stay away from alcohol. Last night was dope at the table of men with Seye and the gang. Who goes to a birthday party on a Monday night? Has to be a Riquisan and I can only SMH for every single one of them in there last night; it was fun by all standards but omo! The hangover choke. It was nice seeing my people – Latifah Baba Ahmed and Trend again, chronic outsiders. The induction ritual was carried out by Titi and she also gave me edibles which I should never have taken from her, three shots fired and the rest is history. I still haven’t gotten myself back to form; Rambo isn’t Ramboing right now, it’s Ronke’s birthday and I’ll just grab some cake and exit the building. I know you w

Why does burial jollof taste better than others?

  Is there a reason burial jollof tastes better than any other type? (Photo credit; Google) I was going to write about my first Chinese food experience today but like I mentioned the other day, I reserve the rights to shift goalposts here and you won’t be angry. I promise you, you will get your opportunity to laugh at me in due time, most likely tomorrow. I was having a conversation with Precious last night and once again, this phenomenon jumped at me again and it’s worth talking about. There are two situations we haven’t been able to explain and I have chosen to talk about them today, my Chinese experience will have to wait. I have a question and here is it: Go to the market today, buy a set of cutleries like twelve; even if you live in a house of just about three people, give it just one quarter and take stocks, the set of spoons will remain just four even if you’re extremely careful… I’m asking, where did the spoons travel to? Look around you, go to your kitchen and make the c

Mixed emotions on my kid brother's birthday

  Happy birthday kid brother. Have an amazing new year. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone) Some three decades and more ago, my mother handed me my immediate younger brother. He is the only younger one I don’t have a slight memory of his birth LOL of course I was barely two years old when he was born but as things stand today, 25 th of September 2022… He is still my next of kin. Speaking of next of kin, since dude is married, shouldn’t that be transferred to Bennie? Well that one too is planning wedding for December and the girls that followed that one too are married… Who will be my next of kin bayi? Abi I should start putting mumsy’s name ni? As her man don enter great beyond… I digress. There’s so much to write about my kid brother but I don’t know how to feel today. Dude is relocating to the UK like many others around me and that leaves me worried. I feel like a loner already, Maxi moved already and I just might be the only one left by the end of the year. Birthdays are quit

I am a happy man...

  I am a happy man today for many reasons, I hope it stays this way for long. (Photo credit: Google) It’s been a bit of a lazy day and I’m not complaining. The idea is to rest as much as I can on one weekend I don’t have the red and green folks to worry about; it’s a win if you understand how the past two weeks have been but we move. The week is way better than the last two for sweet reasons; while I may not be able to go into details of how yesterday evening went, I am happy to announce that I am a happy man and a famous Celine Dion line comes to mind right now… it’s all coming back to me. Err, I will write about my first Chinese restaurant experience tomorrow; I’m buzzing right now and won’t let you people delate me with dragging. You can be sure that it wasn’t a pretty affair but I will tell you regardless, after all I made a promise to share as much as I can on this journey. Remember I wrote about mending fences and seeking peace? I mentioned in the piece that I had a long-st

Things our parents never complained about...

  It's amazing how our parents shouldered everything without complains... Now we know better. (Photo credit: Google) The usual few minutes bant with Sandra this morning brought back memories of the very first few months I had to be responsible for myself; I got sense of the things my father never had to complain about and it reminds me of my many sins of assumption… I dare you to recount yours. Oh, this post is for adults; I mean those that pay rents and fend for themselves one way or the other. I know I have lots of readers that still collect pocket money, your day will come but just read this post and smile, you most likely won’t be able to relate because you probably just sent your account details to another uncle. I remember the days I’d be angry my uncle didn’t send me money at the time he promised LOL; I’m the uncle now and when I see certain calls I know it’s billing. It’s even worse these days because these set of entitles Gen Zs don’t give a fuck about your state at th

Do this on this day and thank me later...

  Today is world's international day for peace... Who are you making peace with today? (Photo credit: Google) Today, 22 nd September 2022 is the International day for peace and I am asking you to make good use of today to follow peace with all men… It’s good for your mental health. If I randomly message you today, know it’s my way of either making peace or reaching out to you to advise you to maintain same energy; I have forgiven everyone that slighted me in the past, including Paulina that chose Bishop over me, she deserved the trenches feeling she got last night. Personally, I don’t have the heart for grudges and that is why I sometimes look like I try too much to stay in good books but, when my own choko comes calling, that is when people realize Jesus is not a Chelsea fan but they won’t remember the days I’ve been calm like William Saliba. Anyways, today is for peace and I will live up to it. There’s a long standing issue I must quash and I will try today; There’s anothe

When you need to stoop to conquer...

  Humility certainly doesn't ruin everything but coconut head does. (Photo credit: Google of course) Personally, I don’t like the widely advertised concept of humility as I roundly believe it reeks of poverty, low self esteem and every unpleasant thing around that border but lately, I have come to understand the ageless saying that “kneeling for a dwarf doesn’t stunt your growth”. Yesterday was quite revealing; not like I heard everything for the first time or I didn’t know a need exists for soul-searching and introspection; the manner of presentation and schooling didn’t only drive home the message, it also aligns with personal reinvigoration that I communicated yesterday. I remember as a little boy, one thing I didn’t find funny was the way my parents always made me apologize for everything even when it didn’t make sense. I remember a particular woman in the neighborhood with a nickname of a broadcasting station LOL, I gave it away for those that know. She reported me to my

The return of Rambo...

  I'm excited about my current state of mind, I am walking away from yesterday and embracing a new dawn. Be ready for me. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone) I opted to write a poem yesterday and it was a convenient decision; I was in my feelings like I said but I also understood the few people that didn’t pay attention to the part where I said I wouldn’t be taking questions. I appreciate your concerns but trust me, I’m fine. It’s amazing how I tell people to live without inhibitions and I can’t look into the mirror to tell myself the same; whatever happened to that part of me that doesn’t bother about certain things? Omo! I think it’s time to rise above these weird feelings hopping around. Steve spoke to me early yesterday and he brought back memories; I wrote the script for his movie project early last year and the experience, coupled with some other projects afterwards got me thinking I’d legit become Mel Gibson LOL but look at me… I have been too quiet on that front; I re

On days like this when the ship is sinking...

  On days like this when the ship is sinking, you take anything... even wishful thinking. (Photo credit: Google) Been in my feelings all day, not trying to compete with Dipo Ogun on his poetic journey but you know the joke about running back to your ex or toads for supper? You’ll ask if they come fried or you need company; I decided to write about how I feel, it won’t make sense to you… You don’t know where my shoe hurts…   There are bright nights and dark days Bad trains that dash hopes, black horse that don’t chase Rich veins report late but not what the sweat pays Result! The only thing the voice says Sheer luck is one thing, the will to win is another Ignore the waves, look away from the seas Hungry bees hardly worry, flying birds don’t bother Pay no attention, death doesn’t run from disease It’s about pain and the days of ignominy Loneliness inflicted by self-destruction Weak emotions and vague descriptions Zero justifications when you miss instructions

Where is your 100th coin?

  This is the tale of 99 coins. Do you see yourself in this story? (Photo credit: Google)   Today is Tisman’s birthday and this reminds me of a story he shared recently but before I share, I must pay homage to a renaissance man with sharp finesse. Tisman is one hell of a silent achiever; dude could be richer than your favs and you won’t know. Dude is modest AF, goes about in simple attires, hugely opinionated but way too coded for you to decipher his moves; he also has that political thing about him which put him in people’s good books more often than not. He’s a church big brother, he knows how to walk his way into anyone and he’s usually the go-to when a door is to be unlocked. I remember the days of Pastor Miller’s innovations; he was one of those that bought into the fresh ideas and was also instrumental in managing some fire we had to deal with. He shared a story about the chronicles of 99 coins and I feel everyone should consider the lessons within especially young adults a

Bring back last night...

  Last night was dope with Desperados at the beach club. Let's do it again soon. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone) Last night was dope, from the premiere of Jade Osiberu’s Brotherhood movie at Joel Aeida to Despe’s Rave on the beach, a silent disco party… everything went according to plan and I must give it up for my team. If you think we’re not the best at what we do, you might want to show me who’s better. Today’s post isn’t about finesse or any topic in particular; I mulled over a few options but coming back from the recording of the MMS podcast, I’ll rather tell you about my week and wait till tomorrow to share something interesting I learned from Tisman’s post tomorrow. It’s a challenging week. Better than last week by all standards; the brief that sent us to the war front still hasn’t been closed but we’re not doing badly and, I’m pretty sure we’ll close it by Monday. I’m excited about the new turns and maybe, it’s always cool to listen to second opinions. The highlig

My first ever silent disco party - Part 2

  Let's party on the beach with Desperados tonight... Shall we? (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone) …At about 10pm, Hillary’s phone rang and she gestured to me to not say a word; I wasn’t bothered because I’d rather act, not talk in that scenario. The voice at the other end found its way to me, I’m sure I’d written about the quality of my ear drums in the past. It wasn’t a pleasant conversation; it was her boyfriend and it was quite heated. A lot ran through my head; I thought this girl said she was single and we agreed to date? Apparently, I was a placeholder, more like a filler but I pretended I didn’t hear a thing. Moments after she dropped the call, she stepped out of the car without saying anything; She came back about five minutes later and asked we go into the party. I dragged myself out and limped after her, we got to the fourth floor and right at the entrance, I was introduced to my first embarrassment. It was a ticketed event; Hillary was supposed to be someone’s pl

Mixed emotions but Big Brother Naija is calling...

  Let me know what you think of Lush Hair's games and tasks in the Big Brother Naija house today. (Photo credit: Riquesa Africa) It’s an emotional day and I have to crave your indulgence to push the sequel to my first ever silent disco party till tomorrow. You don’t want to be me right now, just understand with me that I have you in mind and I’m honestly not playing mind games. Yo! I’m sure the show would be well underway or even over by the time most of you would be reading this but find time to watch Big Brother Naija today; It’s really crazy out here and everything is happening way too fast but hey, we don’t sit here to do easy things. I was trying to chin up at a presentation earlier today when it hit me that yet another childhood hero, Roger Federer has called it quit. I understand many see Rafael Nadal as the greatest ever based on number of grand slam victories and Novak Djokovic based on his fierceness but for me, my male tennis GOAT is Roger Federer. I am an avid spo

The tale of the elephant and the dog

  The tale of the elephant and the dog always helps whenever one is going through that harsh phase of ignominy. (Photo credit: Peace) Today, I’m unable to give you the balance of my first ever silent disco experience and, you just have to forgive me. I don’t have that bandwidth to do the story today; I’m busier than third mainland bridge and I’ll just share a nugget from an incident earlier today. On my way to work, someone called me to rant. She graduated from Uni in 2018 and haven’t been able to nail a job; she got one early in 2020 but covid happened to the best of people so, she’s somewhere thinking life is unfair to her especially considering all she went through before graduating. I had to listen and when she was done, what came to my mind was the tale of the dog and the elephant. I knew she didn’t need any form of aspire to Maguire but I had to lend a shoulder the best way I could to someone who was at a point of inevitable meltdown. A dog and an elephant got pregnant at t

My first ever silent disco experience...

  Silent disco is fun, I've been a quite a number of them but my first experience was a better forgotten one. (Photo credit: Pinterest)  Desperados’ silent disco party comes up on the beach this Friday and it reminds me of my first ever silent disco; it was one hell of a night, I started and ended a relationship that day. Titi had started posting a certain guy on her status then, I knew we were over but I was still living in denial like someone who’s Bet9ja ticket has caught fire but he’s thinking he didn’t pick certain teams, we’ve all been there, right? I was looking to have someone to post too to get back at her. I was on a iRepublic gig with Prestige that year, this fine coke-bottle-body girl was in my DM; she was a law student at Unilag, she knew someone I was friends with then so, it was easy for us to get along. One thing led to the other and we had to get to meet. She told me about a silent party event at 1004 and it was a no-brainer. I wish I had time to think about

On this day... Choose peace

  What on earth is more priceless than peace? I'll wait. (Photo credit: Google) We all don’t react to situations the same way but, if we take a step back in the heat of the moment, I’m convinced we’d be better for it more often than not. The craziest of situations we’ve had to go through have been resolved by the simplest of ideas; the resolutions that have brought us priceless peace are usually the ones that take absolutely nothing to arrive at, why then don’t we breathe instead of losing it? I know it’s quite easy to say but, if we look at things from other people’s perspectives sometimes, and not sink into our own worlds alone, we’ll learn to be more tolerant, to be a lot more understanding and we’ll probably more empathetic towards people and second opinions. I’ve seen people sit back after a long time running into years to reflect and wish they did things differently; I’ve personally had to evaluate and wondered if a few minutes of patience could have offered me a differ

Another big week ahead...

  It's a big week for me, I'll enjoy every moment of it and come out unscathed. Let's do it! (Photo credit: Sonia's status) The girls have moved on to greater things and life must continue for the rest of us. Back on the grind and straight up to work; no retreat, no surrender! It’s not a long post, it’s basically me telling you what my new week will look like. Last week was a crazy one by all standards but it ended with pats and knuckle-choppings; we’re not there yet tho, we go again this week and the pressure level is likely to be same but no repeat of what happened on Wednesday I promise. It's a big week actually; Big Brother Naija should finally give us peace this week and I can hear Deepsea and Innocent screaming amen! I can't wait to stop seeing Moji's request in that regard. I need to rush this post now, I really want to sleep.  I haven’t done anything of note on script writing front for a while now, no excuses really; I will banish that spirit of

My babies got married today...

My babies are married today, I pray they find peace in their respective decisions. Happy married life my angels. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone) I remember writing about my sisters sometime ago, the day they were born and their interesting evolution and occasional, maybe frequent revolutions; today I lead them to the altar as their Assistant Daddy, it’s a proud moment for me. I certainly can’t wait for the day to be over but I’m going to remember the experience forever; While I wish Maxi was here to come do his job, I’m happy to deputize him. I also wish daddy was here to see this day, I’m sure he’s smiling where he is and sending us all the courage we need. Twenty children don’t play for twenty years, these girls are choosing new addresses and they’re dropping my father’s name, no hard feelings really. I trust the boys to take care of them for us, they know me a bit and I’m sure they’ll prefer my table of men to the other side of Rambo. Here’s me saying thank you to my frien

The calm that follows the storm...

  One of us is not important as all of us... (Photo credit: Always had it) So it’s my baby’s engagement event today and I’m nervous; show is about to start, don’t ask me for pictures or my look in agbada cos I won’t answer you. For those that can’t see me, don’t ask me for my whereabouts, I will not answer you. Zukwanike. I’m relieved that the pressure of the past few days has evaporated into some sense of fulfilment; we always have to find ways to understand the value of every component of a team and, when we disagree, we stay informed that we’re not fighting against one another, we’re only trying to win together. Again, I feel blessed for the guys around me; from the deceptive innocence of the one to my left, and the unpredictable sweetness and madness of the one right after her, then to the mad men that join hands with the girls to make me shine… God is good and kind to me. The ones on my right have no idea how much I love them, they will someday; it’s Olamide’s birthday today

2022 Headies Awards: My honest review - Part 3

  Gutted he didn't win artiste of the year at the 2022 Headies awards but he can take pride in the songwriter of the year award he won. Congratulations Adekunle Kosoko. (Photo credit: My photo gallery) This is the final part of my Headies Awards reviews I promise. I’ll start this with the songwriter of the year, forget nonsense, Adekunle Gold deserves it and it’s not even sentiment; who else would you have handed it to? Brymo? Fireboy? Omah Lay? Please! TG Omori won the Music Video of the year award for Champion; he was nominated for two different projects and for his exploits so far, no one else comes close so no issues. Flavour’s Doings won the alternative song of the year, I have my reservations but let’s keep it moving. I change my mind, are we legit glorifying nonsense? You come tomorrow to wonder why people commit atrocities yet celebrate people that promote those vices through their creative works, na una know tho. A-Q’s Last Chapter won Lyricist of the year, hmmm… over

2022 Headies Awards: My honest review

  Ayra Star won the Viewer's Choice awards in a category that had monsters. Weldon girl. (Photo credit: HipTV) Looks a lot like 24 hours can’t do anymore and it’s worrying. I promised not to come on this page to rant today and I must keep my word so, here’s my final bit on the 2022 Headies Awards that was held last week in the United States. I’ll start the sequel with the best collabo of the year and, while I understand and agree with Wizkid X Essence winning the award but I’d have understood if Chike and Simi’s Running to you had won it or if they’d gone for Feeling by Ladipoe and Buju… The latter won rap single tho. Running to you is a therapeutic song, individual differences but damn that’s the winner for me but again, I cannot fault why it was handed to Essence, great jam by all standards and it traveled beyond any other song on the list… Let’s shake hands on that and move. Burna Boy won African artiste of the year, I can totally understand why but if it was down to me I’

Behind closed doors with my think-tanks

  It's one of those days but again, I'm not complaining. I'm grateful through this phase but I certainly can't wait for it to pass. (Photo credit: I've always had it) Earlier today, I posted a video of my teammates having fun on the table tennis and snooker board, lots of people were quick to envy us and asked I share their CVs to my HR; we truly have amazing work environment but do they know that I was in a brainstorming session from 12:30pm till past 7pm? Be careful what you wish for mhen. It's one of those days, I'm not complaining but I'm overwhelmed by lots of things on all fronts. My head is turninoninown as I type and I know for sure that I'll be behind this laptop till dead of night... It's the life we signed up for. I will not be able to continue the Headies Award reviews today; I don't even know how to explain but it sucks to be me right now. I must state it here, I'm highly blessed with amazing teammates especially the Stra