Where is your 100th coin?


This is the tale of 99 coins. Do you see yourself in this story? (Photo credit: Google)

 Today is Tisman’s birthday and this reminds me of a story he shared recently but before I share, I must pay homage to a renaissance man with sharp finesse.

Tisman is one hell of a silent achiever; dude could be richer than your favs and you won’t know. Dude is modest AF, goes about in simple attires, hugely opinionated but way too coded for you to decipher his moves; he also has that political thing about him which put him in people’s good books more often than not.

He’s a church big brother, he knows how to walk his way into anyone and he’s usually the go-to when a door is to be unlocked. I remember the days of Pastor Miller’s innovations; he was one of those that bought into the fresh ideas and was also instrumental in managing some fire we had to deal with.

He shared a story about the chronicles of 99 coins and I feel everyone should consider the lessons within especially young adults and the restless Gen Zs. You often look at yourself and you feel you’re not doing well, by the time you look back at how far you have come, you may change your stance in that regard.

There was this king that had everything a man could desire and was still never happy. He had a servant who despite not having enough was always smiling and full of life. Bemused and curious, the king asked around about the guy and what makes him open teeth always even when nothing is funny and he got an idea.

One of his men told him to try the 99-coin strategy with the slave and see how it ends, the king obliged and asked someone to lay 99 coins in a bag and throw it into the slaves apartment; dude woke up to the loot, he shut the door and danced for supper as he now sees himself as a big man.

The slave however settled to count the coins to know how rich he is, he counted a good number of times and got same result – 99 coins. He searched around to be sure the missing coin isn’t lying around; he was cock sure it couldn’t have been 99 coins, he knew it must be 100.

After fruitless search, he settled to admit he lost a coin and from then on, he decided to work hard for an extra coin to make it 100 so he could join the 100 club. He started working hard, taking on extra jobs and never going to the playground anymore. The smiles disappeared and he became quite business-minded.

This is the story of most of us. It’s always about getting out of school and bagging a good job, afterwards we begin to compete for the next level that we lose ourselves in the thick of the chase. Some call it rat race, but are we not all chasing one thing or the other that we forget to live?

If you look back at what God has done for you, there are chances that you will complain less and celebrate yourself for how far you have come. I am not asking you to be complacent, but you have 99 coins, the chase for the 100th can doesn’t have to claim your blood and that of the people around you.

You are doing just fine, the 100th will come and heaven will not fall. If it decides not to come, life will still continue so, why don’t you just rest?


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