Mixed emotions on my kid brother's birthday


Happy birthday kid brother. Have an amazing new year. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone)

Some three decades and more ago, my mother handed me my immediate younger brother. He is the only younger one I don’t have a slight memory of his birth LOL of course I was barely two years old when he was born but as things stand today, 25th of September 2022… He is still my next of kin.

Speaking of next of kin, since dude is married, shouldn’t that be transferred to Bennie? Well that one too is planning wedding for December and the girls that followed that one too are married… Who will be my next of kin bayi? Abi I should start putting mumsy’s name ni? As her man don enter great beyond… I digress.

There’s so much to write about my kid brother but I don’t know how to feel today. Dude is relocating to the UK like many others around me and that leaves me worried. I feel like a loner already, Maxi moved already and I just might be the only one left by the end of the year.

Birthdays are quite big in my family right from our cradle days; I remember how much of a big deal it was for everyone growing up and how we always wished the day never ended. It’s also an indication that time waits for no one and we can only do so much within a particular time frame.

I’m thankful for my brother actually, he is the only human I know that lives on faith as if nothing else exists and guess what? His God never leaves him. I remember how the only thing he ever applies to life was faith and everyone would look at him as an unserious lad but look at him today LOL.

His wedding stressed me so much, I wrote about it right? Yes I did few months ago. The story itself was him faithing things till the very end. It was recently his wife told me the whole societal wedding request was my brother’s idea, who would have thought?

Bolaji has a crazy threshold for endurance, wish I could write about a story my mom told us about him while he was away elsewhere at some points; how he managed that era will never be taken seriously if packaged into a movie but I also believe the experience shaped the part of him we pray about today.

Moving to UK also makes me cringe cos dude can be nonchalant. In a clime that doesn’t encourage certain traits, I believe his wife will be of great help and I can’t stop hoping he also enjoys his decisions which will do us all a lot of good… We can only hope as nothing is certain in life.

We should meet up at least once before he leaves in midweek, here is me wishing you a happy birthday my baby brother Alan Mobolaji Olaniyan-Gold, all of God’s blessings and the best of your heart desires I pray you today and always. Go and flourish bro.


  1. Happy birthday to your brother, God grant his heart desires and direct his steps.


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