Things our parents never complained about...


It's amazing how our parents shouldered everything without complains... Now we know better. (Photo credit: Google)

The usual few minutes bant with Sandra this morning brought back memories of the very first few months I had to be responsible for myself; I got sense of the things my father never had to complain about and it reminds me of my many sins of assumption… I dare you to recount yours.

Oh, this post is for adults; I mean those that pay rents and fend for themselves one way or the other. I know I have lots of readers that still collect pocket money, your day will come but just read this post and smile, you most likely won’t be able to relate because you probably just sent your account details to another uncle.

I remember the days I’d be angry my uncle didn’t send me money at the time he promised LOL; I’m the uncle now and when I see certain calls I know it’s billing. It’s even worse these days because these set of entitles Gen Zs don’t give a fuck about your state at the time, they expect to see alert on the spot.

First time I had to pay rent myself, fix electricity bills, run few utilities and also ensure there’s food and booze in the house, I knew my father was a great guy and this adulthood that I craved so badly comes with consequences that no one warns one about.

You know what makes it worse? I was arrogant through my agitations to be independent. I didn’t want anyone questioning the ladies coming to visit me; I wanted that sense of independence and the supposed privacy that comes with it. I didn’t have solutions to the area CCTVs that still poke noses into my business but that was the least of the problem.

I look at a lot of 21 year olds that desperately want to leave home and be free; I can tell you for free, you will get what you’re looking for and except you have magnanimous people responding to your billings, you’ll be so frustrated and will take grace to survive without packing back after a dose of humble pie.

If your parents are still alive, I hope you have the courage to reach out to them to appreciate them for their thankless jobs. You’re doing it now, how easy is it? I know many of us that now take care of our parents, it is what it is and there’s also no thanks for it my G, do what you have to do.

I know people that will shout at you if you use water heater in their house LOL, is prepaid meter your mate? DSTV, fuel and other expenses will humble you. Don’t miss the point, it’s about appreciating those days you had your parents doing everything for you even with your silly sense of entitlements.

Call them up, tell them thank you and send them something for the weekend. You will feel good afterwards. Have a mind blowing weekend and stay the fuck away from trouble. Thank you.


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