The return of Rambo...


I'm excited about my current state of mind, I am walking away from yesterday and embracing a new dawn. Be ready for me. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone)

I opted to write a poem yesterday and it was a convenient decision; I was in my feelings like I said but I also understood the few people that didn’t pay attention to the part where I said I wouldn’t be taking questions. I appreciate your concerns but trust me, I’m fine.

It’s amazing how I tell people to live without inhibitions and I can’t look into the mirror to tell myself the same; whatever happened to that part of me that doesn’t bother about certain things? Omo! I think it’s time to rise above these weird feelings hopping around.

Steve spoke to me early yesterday and he brought back memories; I wrote the script for his movie project early last year and the experience, coupled with some other projects afterwards got me thinking I’d legit become Mel Gibson LOL but look at me…

I have been too quiet on that front; I refuse to allow myself to become a man of yesterday, I’m not crying for help, I’m dragging myself in the public as a way of pushing myself to do what I have to such that when y’all don’t see anything from me soon you can call me out.

I haven’t been at my best for a while, I understand why and I also see it’s beginning to have consequences LOL; when someone else is being handed your job to do, know you either sit up or use the door… It’s that simple. We don’t make excuses here, we deliver or go home.

How I needed Steve’s call to drive me out of the dark zone is beyond me but thank God he reached out and we’ll be making magic together pretty soon. How soon? Well, as soon as this winter; I am writing a script for a movie project which he’s embarking on.

Wouldn’t be nice to close this without talking about the loneliness I felt yesterday; Joy did her best but of course it can’t be same. I have to probably write about what I fear the most so I can probably come to terms with the fact that this person is never coming back and I am also not going back.

There you have it, stop guessing. This is to the return of Rambo, the crazy ass one that has all the mad ideas and not the one on the arm chair… This is the return of the one leg monster, not trying to scare you by the way but cheers to reinvention.


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