Bring back last night...


Last night was dope with Desperados at the beach club. Let's do it again soon. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone)

Last night was dope, from the premiere of Jade Osiberu’s Brotherhood movie at Joel Aeida to Despe’s Rave on the beach, a silent disco party… everything went according to plan and I must give it up for my team. If you think we’re not the best at what we do, you might want to show me who’s better.

Today’s post isn’t about finesse or any topic in particular; I mulled over a few options but coming back from the recording of the MMS podcast, I’ll rather tell you about my week and wait till tomorrow to share something interesting I learned from Tisman’s post tomorrow.

It’s a challenging week. Better than last week by all standards; the brief that sent us to the war front still hasn’t been closed but we’re not doing badly and, I’m pretty sure we’ll close it by Monday. I’m excited about the new turns and maybe, it’s always cool to listen to second opinions.

The highlight of the week might not be the maddest party ever that we threw last night for Desperados, I was on a call yesterday that settled one or two things and, probably reminded me of my relationship status LOL but, closure comes in different forms and that call of yesterday makes me feel better.

Speaking of the call, I know a lot of people have asked me about it many times but I won’t be writing about it like you want me to do out of respect for HER as you probably know however, I’ll share something soon that will answer your question but I will not comment further afterwards.

The Despe party was a hit, from the silent disco session to the rave on the beach part. I left the beach at past 3am but the party rings in my head till this moment. Hope we do this again pretty soon, #TeamRiqqui, shall we? I trust y’all to pull it off again.

Lemme go, I need to look for what to eat. I can’t cook to save my own life so I have to depend on someone or any eatery nearby… This life is getting boring, I need a new one.


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