Behind closed doors with my think-tanks


It's one of those days but again, I'm not complaining. I'm grateful through this phase but I certainly can't wait for it to pass. (Photo credit: I've always had it)

Earlier today, I posted a video of my teammates having fun on the table tennis and snooker board, lots of people were quick to envy us and asked I share their CVs to my HR; we truly have amazing work environment but do they know that I was in a brainstorming session from 12:30pm till past 7pm? Be careful what you wish for mhen.

It's one of those days, I'm not complaining but I'm overwhelmed by lots of things on all fronts. My head is turninoninown as I type and I know for sure that I'll be behind this laptop till dead of night... It's the life we signed up for. I will not be able to continue the Headies Award reviews today; I don't even know how to explain but it sucks to be me right now.

I must state it here, I'm highly blessed with amazing teammates especially the Strategy folks. Omo! These guys make me shine and I can't be grateful enough. We had aliens come in at some points today, including Ayodeji that came to drag me on United's win on Sunday. I have no words for him, I'll leave it at that.

My girls are getting married this weekend, I don't need to remind you of how much of that weight is on my shoulders; again I'm asking you God, don't gimme twins. Please let my two daughters come one by one, don't join them together abeg.

I have to go actually and I hope y'all understand. I'll come back tomorrow with the balance of the Headies Awards review. See y'all tomorrow.


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