The tale of the elephant and the dog


The tale of the elephant and the dog always helps whenever one is going through that harsh phase of ignominy. (Photo credit: Peace)

Today, I’m unable to give you the balance of my first ever silent disco experience and, you just have to forgive me. I don’t have that bandwidth to do the story today; I’m busier than third mainland bridge and I’ll just share a nugget from an incident earlier today.

On my way to work, someone called me to rant. She graduated from Uni in 2018 and haven’t been able to nail a job; she got one early in 2020 but covid happened to the best of people so, she’s somewhere thinking life is unfair to her especially considering all she went through before graduating.

I had to listen and when she was done, what came to my mind was the tale of the dog and the elephant. I knew she didn’t need any form of aspire to Maguire but I had to lend a shoulder the best way I could to someone who was at a point of inevitable meltdown.

A dog and an elephant got pregnant at the same time; three months later, the dog gave birth to four puppies. Six months later, the dog was pregnant again and in three months, it gave birth to six puppies and in that time, the elephant was still pregnant.

Few months down the line, the dog was pregnant again and you guessed right, it gave birth to another four puppies. The dog went to the elephant and asked why it can boast of fourteen puppies in a little over a year while the elephant is still carrying a baby for almost two years.

The elephant looked and smiled; but the dog doesn’t know that puppies are for dogs, what the elephant is carrying needs a process of about two years. When a dog gives birth, nobody bats an eyelid but the earth shakes when an elephant drops one offspring.

Can we apply this to our lives when pressure sets in? I understand it’s hard when we compare ourselves to others but do we know our situations aren’t exactly always the same? Trust me, when you relax and allow God to show off through you, you’ll calm your nerves and smile through that hard time like the elephant did.

It’s easier said than done really but just try. I’m rooting for you and you’re not alone. See you tomorrow.


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