How do people thrive in chaos?


What is the urge to share bad news to people? Why do people thrive on chaos? (Photo credit: Google)

No matter how things play out, I insist that I’m not going to continue this journey after tomorrow; things are coming up in a way and topics are springing up but the devil is a stinking liar, tomorrow is the end of this journey and I can finally go wash my boxers.

Was going to write about Lawal Abiodun Kazeem (LAK) today but I guess bad things happen to bad people, it means he won’t get to feature on this space. Tomorrow is taken already, it’s my favorite uncle’s birthday and I have to give him the honors.

Today, I’ll reiterate something I mentioned on this space not too long ago; it was about Socrates’ information sieve and I hope you learn a thing or two in case you missed it the first time. When you hear some kinda information, what do you do? Run off and spread it or investigate?

Many times, we’ve seen promising relationships ruined at the altar of unverified rumors and the next question you ask is why we’re quick to react to things that don’t add much value, I’ll try to give clear context to it so we don’t also misconstrue this.

Often times, people are quick to run to you to tell you about the bad things someone said about you, tell them thank you, take a step back and evaluate why the person told you; after that, do you also want to ask if it’s possible that the person wanted to trigger some reaction?

Let’s flip it, how come people don’t run to you to share good news or the part where people praise you? How come it’s the odd part they’re always eager to amplify? Why not tell them thank you, take time to sieve before you encourage any form of reaction that could make a bad situation worse?

And for you that take pride in fueling animosity, you probably thrive in chaos and you’re well fed when you see a house on fire, I wish you all the very best and hope you find pain in your faux joy someday. We have a lot of them around, keep up the bad work.

That said, it’s also worth noting that we can’t overlook folks that say unnecessary and demeaning things about people behind their back and then feel some type of way when someone snitches on them, why saying something you’re not proud of? If you didn’t say anything of such, we won’t have a snitch to deal with.

It costs nothing to be kind with words and all, why encourage animosity with things we say and the will to spread them? Think about it, is that why Jesus died?


  1. Congratulations to we that followed from the beginning and read over 80% thanks for entertaining us


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