It was a strange week...


It's been a rollercoaster but it's ending on a good note. Let's hope the new week speaks better things. (Photo credit: Google)

It was a weird week, a tale of the good, the bad, and the ugly but in the end, I’m happy to say again that God is good to his people, every damn time.

It started on a note of pressure as usual but soon eased up to the typical calm that trails the storm. I wasn’t sure of how it would start based on how last week ended but to my surprise, the flames of last week didn’t even show up at all LOL.

The highlight of the week would definitely be the incident around noon on Friday, for a while I was in total darkness and it’s not even a joke. This post is about the recap of the week, and I will not be dwelling on papilloma and its effect on me.

I was a bit frustrated by Ginika during the week as it’s beginning to look like I’m doing too much but again, I’ll leave that for now. Sarah WTB annoyed me on Thursday, and I was really pissed. I am not going to allow her to bring her useless celebrity around me again, this is her last warning.

The King’s Horseman is now on its way to Netflix after the private screening on Friday, I wasn’t able to attend due to the obvious story of Friday, but we move; veterans have heavily criticized some choices on the movie, and I can understand but I’ll allow people to see it first.

I want to write about Chika sometime soon, I hope to be fine enough to do lots of things this week. I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I am certain about the powers of the One that owns the day, the big man upstairs got us all, and nothing we go wrong.

The week brought lots of fears, but it also brought hope, I can’t rely on many of these doctors. It’s me and NLP this week. There’s absolutely nothing God cannot do; I know He will ignore certain requests but mine isn’t one of them.

This week is big for me, I hope by this time next week I’ll be telling interesting stories. Be excited for me because it’s a quarter to happiness; don’t try to guess or even ask questions, I will share when the story matures but again, be excited for me. See you soon.


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