My heart is broken...


I am angry beyond words, standing in for someone is now risky as hell and you might want to review your decisions on behalf of people henceforth. (photo credit: Google)

Mercy’s story will have to wait till tomorrow. My heart is broken right now and I can’t think straight or even feel up to it to share any story. My commitment to this journey is the only reason I’m writing something for y’all to read and I’ll just leave it at that.

Know this and know peace, you can’t come good if you continue to defend people out of emotions and if you don’t have genuine substance to hold on to, potential is absolute nonsense and worthless especially in the face of raw evidence against productivity.

I wish I can actually spill but it’s best I keep my anger in check and leave it. People aren’t close to the calm demeanor they post when they’re looking for opportunities and if you dare fall for how soft-spoken people can be, you’ll probably end up in jail for something you know nothing about.

It’s hard for me this minute, leadership comes with lots of burdens and I’m not oblivious of that but how do you protect someone so dearly and end up looking stupid? Especially when they make it clear that your teammates are a reflection of who you are, how do you defend selfish people?

You want to quit a job? Can you be professional about it without making someone else pay for your foolishness? Why would you even burn bridges when you can always walk in sometime later to ask for favors or even recommend a sibling or a friend?

Think about it twice before recommending someone for a job, yes, it has gotten to that and, before you stand as guarantor for anyone, ensure you know who you're doing that for; You wanna guarantee someone for loans? Do you have the heart for numerous calls from loan apps? Roo daadaa o.

I just have to leave this here now and go. I hope I’m able to sleep tonight but my heart is heavy and I can’t lie, but people come people go… The world remains.


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