Life is cruel... The tale of the lost boy - Part 2


I'm using this picture again and I just might one more time but where does this boy go from here? (Photo credit: Originally from Timini's status, now my gallery)

The poor boy was still trying to process the truth he just found out, he’s probably too young to handle such and would rather prefer not to know; I’m not in his head but I’m likely to believe he wished he didn’t look for what was not lost but a part of him would understand why he gets harsh treatments all along.

Like I said in the first part, the father called the boy and told him never to return to his house ever again and his instruction was premised on the fact that the boy already knows the truth; I was told the father apologized for the harsh treatments and told the boy to go find his father.

I saw the story on Instagram yesterday evening and since I wrote about it already, I was interested in what people make of it and before I could go through a couple of comments, it already became a gender war with people throwing their brains out in the comment section.

Many people blamed the man for the treatment on the boy and while I don’t teach people how to react, I strongly feel he should have rejected the boy from day one, instead of claiming to forgive and then taking the heat out on the poor boy that knew absolutely nothing about the offense.

To those that blame the woman for the infidelity that brought about the boy, let him without sin throw the first stone and that won’t be me; however, seeing that the man wouldn’t let the boy breathe and she was aware of the reason, couldn’t she have found a way to get the boy out of the misery earlier?

There’s a damning data I saw sometime recently that 40% of first children in marriages in Lagos have contentious DNAs, I don’t even want to think about it but at what point do we begin to live responsibly and be considerate of others? Looking at this boy’s story, where is he supposed to go from here?

The boy is in no man’s land, having to depend on the stipend the mother gives him and also does odd jobs to keep himself moving. In his own post on IG, he admitted to drugs as the only outlet from depression and pain, he is hurt and disappointed but what would he do?

I don’t know about his biological father and I have no idea if he has connected with him but this boy is paying for a sin he didn’t commit, I’m not saying God will punish the mother or anyone else, I’m just wondering where his hope lies as his present state of mind begs for hope.


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