Balance me: Did I do anything wrong?


I understand it's always sweet to order when you're not the one paying, maybe when you wash plate once, you will have sense at the table of men to only drink what you can afford. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone)

I just got a very interesting message from someone that makes me laugh and it will overtake the marketing masterclass for today, trust me you will laugh… of course except your problem is bigger than the story I’m about to share LMAO I’m laughing.

This dude and I work in the same space, never worked in same firm but of course, experiential marketing is such a small industry where everyone knows everyone and you just might keep your fuck ups at the barest minimum cos it will never go away… I digress.

Dude invited me to ideate with him sometime in 2018 for a very big gig; I came through for him but instead of him making me comfortable, he asked we go to a restaurant after the brainstorming session to eat, I ended up paying as he said his card was not working.

Shortly after the pandemic lockdown was lifted, dude called me again for a session which I obliged. He had moved agencies and they had a gig that they wanted to win, it was for an alcoholic beverage and my experience with few of those in the past was needed… I attended and came through for him again.

I wasn’t paid and I didn’t bother, it was at a time I figured he and his teammates were struggling as not many agencies survived the pandemic. I even parted with some quids at the time for him to keep body and soul together, I moved on from that like it never happened.

This dude is more of an execution guy, but the more you rise in our industry, the more rounded you become so he sometimes calls himself a strategist too so no issues… I had a gig I was invited to sometime last year, I brought him on board and this guy billed me heavily.

He was asking me for money for things that don’t make sense; from fueling his car to the venue of meeting to buying him food to also giving him something for his time, I was irritated but didn’t mention as I swept it under the clients’ budget so we move.

He didn’t exactly come through on the gig, we stopped talking for about few months and I even lost his contact as it wasn’t of strong use. Only for this guy to call me three weeks ago, asking I join him on a gig as a consultant on storytelling. I was reluctant but I attended the meeting.

After we finished the discussions, I stood to leave but this guy asked I wait a bit for us to some refreshment; I was on drugs so I told him I wouldn’t be able to drink alcohol but he insisted I should be around even if I’m not drinking. I sat and was gisting.

Dude was ordering everything on the menu, he was probably trying to impress the two ladies on the table. I didn’t pay attention to all that as I was glued to my phone throughout until I overheard the waiter telling him “sir, the bill is 197,500k.” I won’t lie I looked up quickly in shock.

My guy tried squeezing the bill in my palms and I clinically dodged it, I stood and told him I wanted to use the restroom. There were two other guys on the table with him and two ladies. My purse was tucked right beside me and my walking staff on my right hand.

I walked into the restroom, walked out and went straight to the table. I gave him a firm handshake, maintained same energy with the other two guys and shared my complimentary card with them and told them I’d hope to see them soon… Omo ope left unapologetically.

Dude rushed after me and went “baba, abeg support me this bill choke” LOL, I chuckled and entered the car without even saying a word. How he sorted it doesn’t concern me but I saw lots of “be careful of who you call your friend” yen yen yen on his status that night and I even replied one of them with a thumbs up, me that I’m petty.

Anyways, baba eventually blocked me and reported me to someone that sent me message earlier LMAO, when I explained to her, she got angry and wondered why our mutual friend didn’t give the true picture. I will be kind to bring the balance of this cos she wants to put both of us on a call soon.


  1. You did absolutely nothing wrong. He deserves it

  2. Atleast you drank too,you should have just sorted yours

    1. Please read again, I didn't drink anything on the table


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