Which of these are you opening first?


If this were to be on your device, which of these apps are you opening first? (Photo credit: Biola's WhatsApp status)

I saw this on Biola’s WhatsApp status the other day and opted to jump on it. I certainly don’t have all of these; I don’t use snapchat, Boomplay or TikTok, I’ll talk through the order of importance of each app on the average.

There are instances where I’d likely jump this process but I don’t think it would be often; all things being equal, which of the social/professional apps up there would I open first considering I have messages from all of them? I don’t expect same answers from everyone but here’s my own order.

If that pic up there were to be mine, I’m opening the email first. One of my teammates lost a scholarship opportunity recently by sleeping on emails; I know a lot of people that missed job opportunities due to poor email attitude. I refresh my email more than any other app and that’s on God!

Next would be WhatsApp, I might not readily reply all messages but I’ll check to see what is important and what can wait. I’m more on WhatsApp than any other app tho but it’s the second priority to me if I have tons of messages on all the listed apps.

Twitter will the third on my log. I don’t even update my own personal Twitter but I manage a few celebrity accounts so I have to make sure that I don’t miss important messages. IG follows and it’s same vibe with twitter, like this, watch that twerk video briefly and I move on to greater things.

I’m not so big on Telegram, I don’t even have notifications on but it would be the next I’ll check. I really don’t know why it comes before Facebook but the blue app has lost its appeal to me. The only good use of Facebook right now is to remember birthdays… How time changes lots of things.

Facebook messenger is in the same basket as Facebook itself. I’d check LinkedIn before I check either of the blue apps. LinkedIn is extremely necessary especially when you’re job hunting but right now, I’m not. I’m seeking stability on my current job and I’m enjoying every bit of it.

I watch YouTube a lot but it would be the last I’d check. It’s probably a suggestion or an account I’m big on just posted a video; that can wait as far as I’m concerned. If I had the three apps left on the image up there, they would definitely come after the ones I’ve talked about.

Now, balance me. If that image up there were to be yours, which of them are you opening first? I’d love to read from y’all.

Unpaid announcement: My knee is responding slowly but I’m patient. I will definitely be available for selection again from Tuesday. Thank you for checking in.


  1. I'm opening my WhatsApp first, then my email, Twitter, Instagram later on YouTube all other app can wait until when I'm less busy. I don't have Facebook app on my phone though, I'm not on TikTok also.

    Glad your knee is getting better ❤️.

  2. WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

  3. Email, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube


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