Life is beautiful...


Life is beautiful, do you agree with me? (Photo credit: Google)

 Life is beautiful. There’s a lot to learn from the curvy lady called life, I hope you read me through my lenses as I will not explain why I didn’t liken life to “slim shadies”, life is beautiful.

We’ve had moments we query a lot of things about life and existence in general, but a look around would give you reasons to be thankful, at least for something. Even at your darkest hour, there’s always a silver lining, maybe you need a grateful heart to figure, but there’s always something to smile about.

No one will ever understand life in its entirety but the more of it you understand, the more your chances of being successful and, I would like to explain that a bit; your knowledge of your environment will determine how you navigate, now equate that to life… Feel me?

I understand the complicated nature of life makes it tiring, for example: It’s about to rain and right here, someone is excited for it and I know a lot of people that need reasons to celebrate the showers won’t hesitate, but right here too, someone is sad… Her clothes are on the railings, far from protection.

I’ve seen a rich couple hop from crusades to fertility centers all because they couldn’t have a child while some trenches ambassadors pop kids annually like it’s a passport to long life and prosperity; this same life where fresh leaves fall off and ageless trees survive the axe?

Speaking of that, this same life is where the handle of the axe that falls the big tree is made off the fabric of the tree, you wonder why brothers go to war over things we can always talk about and smile at the end of the argument no matter how heated it is…

Life is beautiful and I’d rather see it that way than cry over the bitter lemons it tries to squeeze through my lips without my permission many times. It’s not all rosy on this side but the blessings of life, I can’t deny and all I can say is Hallelujah… Alhamdulilai for Latifah and my Muslim fans…

To be continued…


  1. The encouragement I need right now!

  2. Thanks so much for this, needed at this particular moment of my life.

  3. Needed at this moment of my life. Life is tiring cos of the ups and downs, we still have to remain grateful for other things we didn’t ask for.


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