Bling Lagosians the movie... My honest review


Bling Lagosians was a fine movie, it was directed by Bolanle Austin Peters. (Photo credit:imdb)

There are movies you like, not because they’re all that but probably because it features an actor you like or the story is relatable. I like Bling Lagosian movie for different reasons but if I’d be honest, it’s not a movie I’d rate beyond 6/10.

I saw this movie at the cinema the same weekend it was released, I had high hopes and that was based on the cast list. I can't say I was disappointed, I enjoyed it but there will always be something to discuss on the other side so let's just have it.

Bling Lagosians was a 2019 cinema project that was directed by Bolanle Austin Peters. It was about the “fake life” practice that is synonymous with top Lagosians; the “fake it till you make it” lingo didn’t start today and if you investigate core Lagosians you’d realize this is true to them.

I like the cast list, let’s start from there. Gbenga Titiloye (Akin Holloway) bodied this project beyond explanation, he was the right pick and he delivered as the ultimate reckless socialite that would rather milk the treasury dry to sustain societal perception.

They’re everywhere all over highbrow areas of Lagos. They make ten million Naira and they don’t mind spending #9.8m on a car then blow the remaining 200k on booze to celebrate it and guess what? They will shamelessly ask you for 10k the next day to fuel the car…

Sharon Ooja impressed me as always, Osas Ighodaro too but I doubt I enjoyed Elvina Ibru as Akin Holloway’s wife; I can understand why she was the pick but wouldn’t someone like Nse Ikpe Etim deliver better? Sentiments, right?

Oh okay, I should talk about the part I will never understand; the bickering among the women, to the point where Bisola Ayeola and her friend went to the Holloways’ house to drag her, can that happen in reality? You can show us they don’t like one another on envy grounds but come on… Some reality please.

I have never seen Denola Gray as that actor that y’all think he is but he was one of my favs from Bling Lagosians; maybe because he played the role that he was created for – stylist. Wait, what’s with these people splurging out there to impress while their employees that earn peanuts get owed salaries?

The picture quality was lit and the sound came out well but there are at least six unnecessary scenes in there. I like the way it ended, no matter how many times these people have their backs to the wall, they will always find a way to stay relevant in the scheme of things, that is why they remain the 1% of the 1%.

I won’t push the narrative that Akin Holloway’s wife was his problem, he’s equally reckless and irresponsible. He broke the bro-code with his frolicking with his friend’s woman, he deserved the demotion but who never fuck up, hands in the air…


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