#HorribleBosses: Ebun needs help


Minister of "F" word affairs, Ebun Okubanjo tearing into someone as usual. (Photo credit: Bento)

Going through the #HorribleBosses thread, I can only be grateful to God because I can’t relate and I’ve worked with tons of bosses and line managers, I’ve had the best of them and while many recount their pains, I should count my blessings too.

I must state categorically that I’m a very annoying person, which I’m not sorry for, I’ve had amazing teammates all around, from Insight, to Eslia, To Niche IMC, to X3m Ideas, to Madison & Park, to BR and even my own Intelligence Republic.

I had an offer to join Bento before I went to Mad & Park, thank God I dodged that bullet because how in the world was I supposed to work with such a toxic ass human? How do you scream down everyone at every opportunity? To what end?

I’ve always maintained that if you have to shout to win an argument, it means you don’t have a point. I am not passing judgment on social media trial basis, that Ebun guy needs therapy and the earlier he gets it the best because he’ll meet someone that will match his violence someday.

I saw a story of someone that said she was to earn 70k on face value but when she gets her salary, she’s to withdraw 40k and pay to her line manager, how does this make any bit of sense? I know people are wicked but are they now competing with the devil itself?

I’ve had demanding bosses, I enjoyed every bit of it and that’s because I shared the vision of success stories at the end of every brief. It was clear to see, you don’t win the lottery if you don’t buy the ticket, it’s your input that determines general success so we just have to do what we have to do.

Kemi will get an episode but I must mention here that she was an amazing boss. She screams when we have frustrated her but that beautiful human never abused anyone, you’re free to bant her and you won’t be crucified for it.

Prof (Ola Awosemo) never raised his voice at anyone, well… He’s a complete gentleman. He knows how to use silence to cripple you when he’s not happy with you, makes me wonder where Ebun and the likes learned their leadership style from.

I heard of a boss that punches his staff, God forbid bad thing today, tomorrow and forever. How do you even look at them in the eyes after abusing them? We live in a traumatic country already and most people seek escape at work, why make it worse?

I was telling Slimee and Co today that many people will still go for interview at Bento and the other companies that have been called out, they would hide under the unemployment rate in the country and if you ask them why they’re walking into such toxicity, they will ask you if you’ll help them feed their family.

Depression is real. There’s so much going on with people, the least you can do is to give them enabling environment to work and earn their living, you’re really not doing them a favor because they’re also helping to build your own dream, it’s a win-win situation if you see it that way.

Kolade Apata, if there’s an award for the best ever to lead a team, this guy should rank number 1. Hope I find the courage to write about him someday soon. LAK should go get his own tribute from Tinubu and everyone pushing his presidential agenda.


  1. I'm still wondering how nobody had called out the monsters of GDM...
    The toxicity level there is on radiation level...like the MD once smashed someone's laptop out of anger...

    1. A whole laptop?? Omo
      Toxic people and they will still justify the bull shit!!!! Hope u replaced it

  2. See in the space of 24 hours, the story of toxic bosses I've heard is enough to rinse my hand from anything 9-5. People are toxic and they are too egocentric to accept it. There's one Daniel Emeka people also called out yesterday, this one even added sexual harassment to his own. O worst

  3. Read so much online, I developed so much fear for the future. If we want the youths to be the leader of this country — are they not reservoir of toxicity?

    For some of us aspiring to work in most of this organization , this is an eye opener.

    PS: “You don’t win the lottery if you don’t buy the ticket .” — Quote of the day


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