Let me tell you about Jesus Christ, the birthday Boy!


There's no other one than the lowly Jesus, no not one. Happy birthday sweet Jesus. Stay Kinging. (Photo credit: RCG)

Merry Christmas everyone! Happy birthday to Jesus Christ, my ever-dependable Lord and personal savior; the Lion of the tribe of Judah, a sure plug that doesn’t disconnect. Stay kinging my G.

I know y’all are probably on third or fourth plate by the time you’ll be reading this but don’t be surprised that I’ve not gotten any but it’s fine. Today is all about Jesus Christ and I’ll keep it that way; No one comes through as much as He does so permit me to gloat about my savior.

I don’t know if you can relate but He has never failed me. Through my irresponsible unfaithfulness to the promises I make to Him yearly, He has never forsaken me. There are things I pray about, and I see His hands but how about those things I didn’t even pray about that He still delivered?

Late night drives and dangerous moves, walking through the valley of the shadow of death and He still held my hands and silenced the monsters of this world; the ones in red and the ones in mini-skirts didn’t overcome me, I can’t be grateful enough to an ever-forgiving God.

What about the bad choices? Deliverance from wrong picks as advised by nonsense punters, not to talk about the highly underrated gift of sleeping and waking up. Protection from many love portions that I must have eaten in this Lagos as I can’t cook to save my life, thank you sweet Jesus.

Fot the ideas that keep clients within our loins and food on our table; for the patience to deal with reverts and "interesting" situations around the work place and beyond, it's all you Jesus Christ, no one else can make things happen like you do.

For the endless timely provisions that makes it seem like I’m richer than my mates, standing in the gap at evert point of need such that we don’t have to wash plates or trend on insta blog on the account of “insufficient balance”, you won’t understand but Jesus never fails.

How else am I alive with my reckless driver if not for you oh Lord? Two bolts are proven to be missing in Reuben’s head but here I am today, giving thanks. I faced the knife twice this year and, in the end, nothing missing nothing broken… Hallelujah.

Words can’t express how sweet you are oh Lord, this is me saying a heartfelt thank you. You’re God all by yourself and once again, I hope your wine remains solid as it was at that famous wedding that year, and in my life and everywhere else, dear sweet Jesus, stay kinging.


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