I'm not doing again


For about five minutes I was in total darkness but we live to tell the story. However, a quick reminder that I'm not writing daily again after 31st December. Thank you. (Photo credit: Google)

The most convenient topic to write about today is #Sequel because the party is today but it’s 9:37am in Lagos and the party starts around 11am, so I’ll pass on that as I quickly try to pen something before I lose lucidity at the table of men.

A lot of people have told me they don’t expect me to stop this journey after the 31st of December, I’m happy to tell you all that I hear you loud and clear but no, I am not doing again and there’s no amount of blackmail or “aspire to Maguire” that will make me continue.

To be honest, when I started on the first of January, I didn’t think I’d be consistent and what this goes to show is that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I know there were days I wrote pure nonsense but it’s the consistency for me, you can block your ears now because I’m blowing my own trumpet.

I even had a day I had to dictate to someone because I couldn’t see; that was one hell of a day and maybe I should talk about that particular experience. I was in the boardroom with the gladiators – Deepsea, Olumide, Basirat, and Ese, we were analyzing the Wild Turkey brief I think…

Of course, it’s been long coming, morning sensations from the left eye and that sandy-tingling feeling every time I had to stare into light directly but on this day, I was in total darkness for about five minutes that felt like a whole day, I was scared to death but had to pretend not to scare my teammates.

I went under the knife the following week to take out the papilloma and the rest is history but omo, it was a day I can never forget. It’s all under the thanksgiving file and it’s a good time to remind you again that I will not continue this journey after the 31st.

Vote of thanks? Maybe, because I might not have the opportunity to do it again. I will resist the urge to mention names but I know many of you supported me with feedback and constant check ups, especially on topics that trigger reactions either on myself or on my opinions.

 The goal was to do something consistently for a period of one year and I think that is almost achieved, we’ll look for another target to meet in the new year; Cinema projects? Certainly and I have two scripts I’m working on. I hope to get somewhere with them before work resumes in January.

I’m done here today, here’s me wishing my liver the strength to endure what’s coming today, don’t worry buddy, the Detty December season is almost over, stay strong and let’s have a no-soda, no-alcohol January. That’s a target I’m willing to dare, but until then… We go again today at the table of men.


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