To you my friend, na man you be!


Dear friend, this is my note to you and I'm sure it will pass the right message. See you at the table of men. (Photo credit: Street Church)

Today is International Men’s Day and it’s only normal that I remember my men and offer them some word of encouragement. I see all your efforts my G, the dark clouds will give way soon and the sun will shine again, rest assured bro.

I know we’re endangered by everything. The narrative is always against us even when we deserve benefit of doubts but it’s fine; I am directing this at all of us that earn honest living and try to do the right things even when it’s not convenient, na man you be!

Let’s have a drink today and discuss what makes us tick; let’s talk about opportunities and how we can rise by lifting ourselves. Let’s laugh at the girls that are not replying us and the ones that said they weren’t doing but now want to do when we’ve moved on (I did this on purpose).

While at it, let me remind you that it’s okay for you to speak up. Yo! I know some will call you weak but bro, if you have to cry to feel better please open the damn dam and let it rain. You have rights to be expressive and you owe no one six packs.

I was having a meltdown recently and it was beginning to affect lots of things including work and inter personal relationships; I spoke out about it and I’ve been better for it since then. Dear brother, if you ever wanna talk, my line is open; I may not have the solutions but I’ll make you laugh.

May we not be broke but brother, it’s okay to be low on cash sometimes. It’s okay to ring your G up and ask for support; I’ve had days I’ll buzz a friend to book a ride for me or fill up my tank; if anyone ever makes you feel odd for having off days, ask them if they can buy your time… Nonsense.

I can understand the part of us that says “I don’t want to ask for help I got this”, you got nothing my brother and no doesn’t kill. While I will always say “lean on me no be press me die”, I will also encourage you to ask first, as long as you’re reasonable and you’re not talking to someone that doesn’t trust you, it’s just fine.

Omo, it’s okay for you to go for therapy. I went for one recently and again, I thank God I did. It’s okay my brother for you to be vulnerable; you like that girl? Be weak for her, give her the chance to make you regret it before you shut the door, trust issues save lives but it ruins happiness too… it’s okay to be soft too.

I see all your efforts my guy, this is to everyone of you and I certainly can’t name everyone. Even if we don’t talk daily, know I love you dearly and I’m rooting for you. When we meet again at the table of men, we will bant and share stories over our respective favorite drinks. Happy International Men’s Day my Gees.

And to those ladies that will ignore today and then come ask for urgent 2k tomorrow, mark their faces down and wait for them. I have a new meme that will come handy, reach out to me for it. We will not tolerate nonsense this new year. Love and light.



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