Fake gist merchants deserve a seat in hell


Beware of fake gist, it can ruin a nation. (Photo credit: Google)

There was a time a bill was going to be passed by Nigerian lawmakers against rumor peddlers and I was excited because I always thought fake rumors can destroy nations and anyone found guilty of spreading fake stories should be duly punished.

I remember my first year in Uni, Philosophy class was lit and the story of Socrates will forever ring in my head; I will share it today and hope we all refer to it anytime we hear a story, such that we don’t act on temporary information. Remember, wisdom is profitable to direct.

Someone went to Socrates with a story about one of his friends, but before the person could go deeper, the great sage quickly stopped and asked if the person can take his story through his proven three sieves. They agreed to test the rumor and here you go.

Socrates continued; the first test is the TRUTH; “have you confirmed this story you want to tell me?” The guy replied no. Socrates nodded, you can’t confirm if it’s true but you’re eager to tell me? Let’s continue to the second sieve which is the test of KINDNESS.

Socrates asked again, “this story you heard about my friend, is it a good story? Is it kind words? Will it make me happy about my friend?” The guy responds: “no, it’s bad news”. Socrates smiled and said, “my friend, you want to tell me bad news you don’t know if it’s true or false? Let’s continue”.

Socrates decided to ask the third which is UTILITY, “my friend, this bad news you heard about my friend that you’re not sure of, after telling me, will the information be useful to me?”, the guy responds, “not exactly, I just want to let you know what I heard about your friend”.

Socrates told him not to bother and that is how I think we should treat fake gists. Lots of things have been ruined by the information we’ve processed without verifications. People will always talk if you give them listening ears. Don’t encourage rumor mongers, tell them to go choke on their gist.

Unfortunately, many of us like gist die! Whether it’s true or false, we just want to hear nonsense. I don’t want to mention names but you know yourselves. Repent today for the second coming of Christ is nigh. God be with you and bye for now.


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