Another patient leaves the theatre...


Thank you for everything Basirat and see you soon. I love you. (Photo credit: Deepsea)

For the sixth time in just a little over six months, I’m having to say goodbye to another teammate. I feel a little unlucky because I keep losing capable hands and I honestly don’t know how to feel.

I’ve spoken about waves that didn’t come from the seas many times and also about the bleeding wounds that didn’t come from bullets or stabs; life throws things in our way but we can’t complain because, at the end of the day, we’ll be reminded that it is what it is.

Trend left just after two weeks of my resumption and I had to live with it; Dara walked not long afterward and while the Justin situation was pathetic but understandable, having to lose Jason the Jamaican in the same month left a bad taste in my mouth.

And then Queen Latifah had to move on to greater things, good development but I was stripped of a great help. And now, the backup that cushioned the Latifah effect, Basirat is leaving. I know I sound like a crybaby, but it hurts to get used to someone, and then the person has to leave.

Basirat knows her job and she’s the average 6th sensor. She always has questions, and she makes a hell of sense on the job. I have been quite lucky to have quality people to work with, it’s just annoying that I have to face the particular project at hand without her.

Basirat can be confusing, you too see: she always covers her head (obviously on religious grounds) but we somehow discovered she has tinted hair, edakun, to what end? What is the point of bleaching your hair and then covering it from the world? What are you doing?

Whenever Basirat is quiet, it’s either of two things; either she’s working on something and really concentrating or she’s talking to a man and, if it’s the latter, you will not hear a single thing she’s saying. That’s to put it out there that my outgoing colleague likes man.

Basirat is that girl that will bounce around on the dance floor with a red cup, guess what's inside? Sprite. She likes food and as I discovered recently, her favorite is Amoke alamala. She is happy-go-lucky and highly energetic. She belongs to the violence headquarters but I'm praying for her.

At her send forth, I prayed for her and I'm sure one or two people would think I was only trying to form deep, Nah... there's more to my words than what you think I said: may she not step on toes that won't heal, this is literal but the second, that she won't deal with an adviser that sends her to war and still equip the opposition is from the depth of my heart, I am saying amen for her.

We've had differences and if you know me a bit you'll know I love strong personalities; Basirat is opinionated and while I wish things transpired differently, I am happy that she's happy and it's all about her in the end. I will miss her and I can only hope for the best for her.

She's a muslim but she knows more Christian songs than I do. She's a great singer too and she leaves people wondering how. She brings life to our brainstorming session, of course with her partner-in-crime Ese, I pity that one because I know she will miss Basirat pieces.

Good luck Basirat and see you soon. 


  1. O God. I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much Rambo. I say amen to all your prayers and I pray when next we meet, we will be sharing great news. Thanks for the time at Riquesa, I appreciate you and the team.


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