The girl child is everyone's responsibility....


It's the international day of the girl child, let's take it upon ourselves to fight for the rights of the girl child and we'll all be better for it. (Photo credit: UNESCO)

Special thanks to everyone that reached out to me yesterday. A couple of people didn’t understand my mood and one, in particular, called me drama king; I can understand her, she still has both parents and I pray they live long for her, we’ll revisit the topic when life strikes her in that regard. We move!

Today is the international day of the girl child, a good time to remind ourselves of the importance of educating the girl child and always endeavoring to equip her with equal opportunities. It’s not too much to ask if we’re keeping it a buck and again, it starts with every individual.

We should all strive to build a community that is safe for the girl child to flourish. The girl child is an endangered specie simply because society somehow found a way to conjure against an innocent gender; we all see the struggles around us but what do we do to make it better?

You listen to some songs these days and feel how bad it is; beyond sexualizing women – which is all we do in our music videos these days, it has also become a norm for a woman to be bait in lots of things we do, I know we have regulatory bodies but are they doing their job?

I am not Peter Obi but I know the statistics of young girls out of school is alarming. A whole region raises and pushes bills to encourage child marriage and we aren’t making noise as best as we can to dead the nonsense on arrival, why would you want to marry an underaged girl? Is this not ment?

Growing up, class captains are typically boys and a girl would be the assistant, this is where the stereotype starts from. The boys in some homes can watch TV and play games all day while the girl child must be in the kitchen with her mother all in the name of preparing her for her husband’s house LOL.

You must also realize that the idiotic boys you’re raising to marry these homely girls are part of the reasons we have many broken homes now. It is common sense my people, a nation that doesn’t prioritize the girl child is a joke and when it comes to roost, everyone will pay for it.

Dear young girl, I hope you don’t give up on your dreams. I hope you don’t allow the dark clouds of Nigerian society to limit your dreams. There’s nothing you can’t do if you set your gaze without wavering; you’re more than enough and you will be everything you dream of as long as you don’t stop.

Happy international day to the girl child.


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