The day my father passed away...


I hope you're fine at the other end... Sleep on dad. (Photo credit: Ramsey's iPhone)

10th October 2019, the day I questioned God and everything I knew as a man and as a Christian; the day I wondered if prayers ever work or if nursing faith and hoping on even ever makes sense… It was the day I lost my wildcard, my loving father.

It was a Thursday, two days to my dream event as at then. I’d always wanted to work on NBC/Coca Cola, if you’re in my career space you’d probably have a dream account, mine was Coke and every other product within the portfolio and thanks to M&P, I was about to live the dream.

We had battled everything towards getting ready for Jack Daniel’s “Jack and the beat”; it was a journey that took sleep away from me for a long time and lots of back and forte with my team. I was in the office as early as 6:30am to go through the deck with Kolade one more time and phone beepers went off.

It rang a couple of times and I wasn’t going to pick, Kolade nudged me to pick the call and I did reluctantly… It was dad. He didn’t sound happy, he’d been asking me to see him but I was busier than third mainland bridge, he ended the call with a statement that later hit different – “may the work not leave us now”.

It was also Kemi’s birthday, the team went into her office to sing her to happiness, she was visibly happy and even made videos, she was my principal (my MD) and I just sent her a text to wish her happy birthday, such a special human she is.

I had barely returned to my seat when my phone rang again, it was my elder brother Maxi and as he always does, he asked where I was. I didn’t have the patience for the call and was going to ask him to allow me call him later, I heard the worst declaration of my life the next second “dad is dead”.

I didn’t understand so I asked him to explain, phone fell from my hand and screen went the other way. Alet was the closest to me, he learned what happened and ushered me to the reception. Ronke joined us and advised we move upstairs as she didn’t want people to see me in that state, I was a wreck.

I cried like a baby, it was a different kind of pain. Wale tried sharing how his father died, Ronke too but they weren’t making sense to me. No one could feel how I was feeling, it was like an arrow was thrusted into my heart and I could feel the piercing horror. What if I didn’t talk to him that day before he left?

I was eased home by the team and seeing my mother broke me further. She hasn’t recovered and I don’t think anyone has. My father was a great guy, I hear people talk about their pains of not experiencing fatherhood, I can’t relate because I was indulged and spoiled by an amazing father.

I’m crying already and I have to stop now. I’ll certainly write more later. Sleep on daddy.


  1. May his soul continue to rest in peace!!! I'm not sure of the right words to make u feel better but stay strong Rambo ✌

  2. May God grant his soul eternal rest at the other side 🕊️. I definitely don't know how it feels to loose someone close, it's my earnest prayer that God gives you the grace to keep carrying on.

  3. May his soul continue to find rest. Pele dear.

  4. May his soul continue to rest in peace

  5. May he continue to find favor with his creator.


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