My laptop gave up on me at a fucking wrong time


This is me saying a big happy birthday to Debo Macaroni, this article isn't about him but we'll meet soon at the table of men. (Photo credit: Rambo's iPhone)

When I realized today would be Mr. Macaroni’s birthday, I thought of many things to write about him but I won’t be doing that. Since I started this journey, trust me, I’ve never really had a topic until I was ready to write, I guess that has kept me in the journey because e no easy.

I woke up with a lot on my to-do list – work deliverables, hustles here and there and the will to live regardless; I guess the ability to balance hectic work Schedules and life has been the reason I’ve managed to stay sane but a few things happened earlier that ruined the script.

My laptop crashed, that’s the summary but it happened at a very fucking wrong time. Shade is blowing up my phone because she wants her deck, Tolu has called me more than anyone else in the past few days, he knows I’m not gay so no issues but I gotta come through for him, now what do I do?

I was going to write about Debo Macaroni but not today, I’ll move that to another day, my laptop must come on within the coming hours or I’ll be in real trouble. I’m in the thick of lots of expectations, I’m not complaining, a man has to do what he has to do.

I’m excited about the work load, I’m doing what I love and I am doing it with people that love their job, no complains, nothing personal… Just business. Amazing folks who do their jobs intelligently, no buck passing, no witch-hunting, crazy guys doing their thing the way they love it.

I can’t break the news to them that my lap top has given up on me, I have to find a way to get it running before someone shoots me from Surulere, no holiday for a man that wants a summer vacation to the Bahamas… I have to go guys. See y’all tomorrow.


  1. Your laptop can give up on you but God no fit...
    Trust you to always come through so no one will shoot you


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