I can't help Sharon, y'all didn't too

Why does this case seem so hard when it's just a matter of someone walking away if she can't deal? (Photo credit: Google)

Many people had something to say about Sharon and Ibrahim, and I am not surprised at the kinds of comments I got from certain quarters. To be very honest, most of the comments that came into my DM were valid, and I have decided to do the unusual, do a follow-up post just a day after the original post.

I typically like to keep you people waiting, but this one is “peppering” my body, so I’ll just do it. So, many of you (especially ladies) think Ibrahim is criminal and unfair to make Sharon do something to make the marriage work. Only men are supposed to bend to fit into what women want. I get it.

Some asked: “what if Sharon gets pregnant and Ibrahim’s people still don’t accept her?”, very valid concerns, but you need to know that the guy knows what he is doing, and, while I might be wrong, I sincerely don’t think Ibrahim will bail on Sharon, he’s so much into her like that.

Some legit said Ibrahim is not man enough, that he is supposed to fight it out with his family without Sharon having to do anything at all, arrant nonsense takes. How easy is it to convince all these caliphate people? They hardly think about anything else outside the pride of their kingdom; Ibrahim is trying, trust me.

After I posted the article yesterday and I got some comments on the blog and privately, I jumped on a call with Ibrahim to share opinions, and he was only broken the more; it is clear that most people read this from the angle of Sharon taking a risk, they didn’t see it from the angle of Ibrahim trying to do all it takes to win.

Sharon, of course, was elated at the comments; it is very clear that Sharon’s refusal to listen to Ibrahim on this is premised on “winning for the clique” and not for her relationship. I am cock-sure that most people that felt Ibrahim was the problem would act differently if they were in their shoes.

Just to make it clear, Ibrahim is a Christian. He understands that having a child outside wedlock doesn’t work with Sharon’s faith, but his parents will not recognize Sharon if she’s not carrying one of them, and since the clan thinks it’s an abomination for such to happen, can she let him go then?

I don’t even see any problem in this situation. Sharon knows the kind of home Ibrahim is from, she wants him, and he wants her too. Why not do what you have to do to work things out? If you find it dreadful, is moving on an option? She will scream no.

Sharon wants Ibrahim to give up his royalty to be with her; at least, that is what those Twitter people preach, and that’s what many of you that align with Sharon wants, if Ibrahim was your brother, would you sanction such nonsense?

Rada rada!


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