Adulthood is a scam... I'm not doing again


Adulthood is a scam, please show me the button to press to unsubscribe and I'll thank you for life. (Photo credit: Sonia's WhatsApp status)

When I was seven, I was desperate to be ten. It felt like there was something about the age; my tenth birthday was somewhat lit, there was a nationwide strike and seeing my dad at home during the week like that was special, mom was heavy with the twins then I think… Yeah.

Yesterday was Children’s Day, nostalgia set in as my teammates kept banting about caprisonne and gifts; there was a time I was always excited about Children’s Day but with eagerness to outgrow the age and start earning, maybe get married and become the picture I had in my head, adulthood had other ideas.

It has been established that you don’t even have to go out before you spend money. “savings or current” can meet you even in your closet; once you open your eyes to see the beauty of a new dawn, you’re already indebted and you must pay, no one told me about that part of adulthood.

Can I just go back to my pre-teenage days? When I was one of the best in my respective classes and was the golden boy, not now that many have cancelled me because I couldn’t transfer or because I couldn’t return their calls – I’m improving on that anyways.

Can I go back to the days I get gifts when I visit someone or when they visit my family? The reverse is the case now; I pay when I visit and also pay when they visit me, what is happening gan gan? Yo! I’m not one of those that will ever shy away from responsibilities but did I come to this life to pay bills?

My nieces came around to spend the weekend with me sometime in March and I can’t stop envying them; those girls ask for whatever they want and never cared how you’d get it, once you waste time before responding they’re asking when they’re going back to their house, omo!

Not related at all but I have to chip this in since yesterday was children’s day, can we stop employing cane as a tool to discipline children? It’s even worse for those that employ bible verses to justify their child abuse, it is never the solution, stop beating children please it’s barbaric.

Happy children’s day to every kid out there and big ups to every parent that is striving to find happiness for their kids. My prayer also goes out to every home seeking fruit of the womb, it will happen soon and I will be glad to come and eat rice and sip Jameson at your table of joy. See you soon.


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